Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween and the Bouncer

Madison has decided she needs a car for her first Birthday! She's a great driver. We dressed her up for Halloween and took her to the Fall Festival at church. She was a ladybug until she went "number one" all over the costume while Josh was changing her. Guess she didn't like the costume. She is eating really well...mainly she likes vegetables. I can feel her first tooth coming in! She has discover that she loves to bounce....check out the video.

Driving the car with daddy

Madison and Wade's first Halloween at the Fall Festival

Big smile!

Madison in her bouncer... "I can do this all day"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Madison sitting up

Madison and I have been working on sitting up with my help. Yesterday I woke up and she can sit all by herself now! She is growing up way too fast!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Family Day, Ears Pierced and the Beach

We had a family day at Hurlbert today. We got to see Josh's new plane as well as a few more C-130's and got to play in the simulators. I got Madison's ears pierced this week. She did so well and they do not seem to bother her at all. Also, just threw in a picture at the beach.

Daddy's new office.

My ears pierced!
Playing at the beach

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4 month check up and more

We went to the doctor on Friday for our 4 month check up and more shots. Madison was such a big girl, she barely even screamed for the shots. The doctor said she is growing fine. She was in the 90th percentile for her height (at 25.5 inches) and only 20th for her weight (12.12 lbs). Madison also got to attend her first birthday party. My best friend's little boy turned one. She was such a good girl.

Madison playing with her new bouncer.

Jacob and Madison playing at his birthday party.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4 months old

Madison had her 4 month birthday on Sunday. She has a new toy, the bouncer and she loves it. We gave her bananas for the first time earlier this week and she loved them...not so much for the avacado though. She kept taking my finger with the banana on it and shoving it in her mouth. She is rolling all over the place now. We go back to the doctor on Friday for her check up and more! She is such a good baby!

Patriotic for 9/11
Daddy going to work
Bananas = good

At Mimi's in the swing/bouncer

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Madison Rolling Over

Madison has discovered her voice the last couple of weeks and is talking up a storm. When we put her down for nap time she is pretty good about not crying but she will lay in her crib and just talk nonstop until she falls asleep. She has had lots of tummy time these days (thanks to the flat head) and will turn her self in a circle on the floor (usually she stops at the t.v.). She has so much personality and today was the first time that I went to pick her up and she "reached" for me.

Madison has been rolling over here and there but I haven't been able to catch it on camera. She finally did it for me the other morning. It wasn't the best roll but Josh said it was a "touch and go."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Madison's 3 month pictures

We just had Madison's pictures taken last week. She is 3 months now. She was a holy terror the day we decided to take pictures! I think she had started to get my cold. Well, we have made it past the cold and the pictures and managed to get a few good ones (just wished she would've smiled for at least one!). Oh well, she is beautiful anyway.